
Blog Makeover!

I'm not sure if its good practice or not to change a blog's theme too often. What I do know is that the last header I used on here was beginning to give me the heebie-jeebies. It looked too clinical and depressing. 

I also felt like it gave the wrong impression of this blog. It made the site feel as though it were part of a business. Whereas I fully support senior care business and services, that isn't what ECI is. Elder Care Issues is just a helpful (I hope) blog for caregivers, seniors, and care providers to enjoy. 

And I do believe in enjoying caregiving. It has its bad moments, it can be a long, stressful, difficult journey for many...but it comes with more than its fair share of rewards too. It also comes with laughter, which is why I try to sprinkle the content on here with some humor on occasion. 

No matter which stage of caregiving you are in, or what you role you play, I hope the new theme can lighten your mood a bit when you visit. Life is too short, (and so is the caregiving journey) for us to look at impersonal, melancholy websites.

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