
Inspirational and Motivational Quotes for Caregivers

Caregivers probably need inspiration and motivation more than anyone else on the planet. The hours are long, the work is impossible and in the end, no matter how well you did your job--you are going to lose something that is very dear to you.

So, for all the caregivers out there that are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, confused, irritated or just plain ready to give up--here are some quotes just for you.

Whether you provide care at home, in a hospital or in a residential facility, you are going to have moments (everyday) that test the limits of your patience. How you react those situations is what will make future encounters either harder or easier.

So true. Love is necessary. Even if you don't feel any love toward the person you are caring for, there is something inside of you that makes you continue doing this job. It really is love. But it may not have a definable source or target.

Through the ups and downs, you may think you are ready to lay down and die...but the truth is, you are just getting stronger by the minute.

I used to hear a lot of elderly people say "Nothing Never did Nobody No Good." I'm not quite clever enough to work out whether that is a good thing or a bad thing, but I do know that it is always better to do something, even if it is the wrong choice. At least you tried.

Laugh whenever you can. It is very important for caregivers to remember that they are still alive. That they still have lives. Laughter is the best way to remember what it feels like to live. And it is contagious. So laugh today and spread some joy.

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