
Happy Easter From Elder Care Issues Blog

Here are some lovely irises to remind everyone that even when it seems like nothing bright or happy can every happen again, sometimes there is an explosion of color and hope.

Don't Forget the Elderly At Easter!

Easter is coming soon! You've bought the egg kits, made sure the kids all have Easter baskets, picked out outfits, planned the meal, maybe even decorated your home and yard. So what did you forget?

If you have an elderly loved one who lives in a nursing home, they would probably love to get an Easter basket too! After all, Easter is a family holiday for many, and they may feel isolated or lonely if forgotten in your rush to paint the world pastel and get those great Easter photos before the kids get dirty.

If you are super crafty and willing, why not assemble treat bags or baskets for all the residents? It is easy and fun to make small gifts, but the gesture could make someone smile for weeks.

Here are some tips and ideas for making personalized or neutral baskets for nursing home residents.

Easter Baskets For Nursing Home Residents

No time to assemble baskets? That's okay! Why not bring home the beauty of spring and renewed life by giving a low-maintenance houseplant instead?

6 Best Houseplants for The Elderly

It doesn't matter how little or how much you do, just as long as you do something. Even a pot of silk flowers, a set of drawing pencils, or some new books will go a long way toward helping the elderly feel loved and remembered. And of course, don't forget to take them a nice plate for Easter lunch or dinner! 

Should You Be A CNA?

A lot of people looking to get into the medical profession are interested in being a CNA. There are always jobs for Certified Nurse's Aides, and the training is short compared to nursing school. This is a perk for those who need something now, rather than two or more years down the road.

But who should be a CNA? Only a person who is willing to work hard, get paid less than they probably deserve, and to fall in love with people who may break your heart.

 It is a rewarding job, a painful job, and an emotionally draining job. But, I would recommend it to anyone looking to go on to become a nurse, since it is a crash course in the reality of being a professional caregiver.

Recently, I wrote this article, detailing what a CNA's job is and what to expect. Check it out if you are unsure about whether or not being a CNA is a good career path for you.

Is CNA the Right Job For You? 

Gift Ideas for the Elderly | 6 Houseplants That Make Great Gifts

A Perfect Gift?

Looking for a gift idea for Mother's Day or Easter? If you have an elderly loved one, it can be challenging to find a perfect gift that will be both appreciated and practical.

Common gift choices often have a downside, depending on your loved ones needs:

  • Candy might not be ideal for those who are diabetic
  • Overly practical gifts (such as socks) can be a disappointment for all occasions
  • Jewelry is not always a good option for those in LTC facilities
  • "Clutter" gifts such as plush animals, framed photos, and knick-knacks can take up space and require cleaning. 
Instead, why not give something that is practical, attractive, low-maintenance, AND healthy? A house plant can be all of those things and more. Many people enjoy caring for a plant because it is more forgiving than a pet (it can go a little longer without water and food!) yet still provides a sense of responsibility. 

Check out my article on 6 Easy Houseplants for the Elderly if you aren't sure where to start. 

Why A Plant for the Elderly? 

Besides being pretty, and much more practical than a bouquet that will shrivel and die in only a few days, a houseplant will help purify the air and provide oxygen. Elders who live in nursing homes rarely get enough fresh air, and those who live at home may keep their homes stuffy and closed off. Plants can help filter toxins from the air. 

Also, unlike pets, plants don't need care several times a day. So if your elder needs help with tasks such as re-potting, watering or fertilizing, you can help with this only when needed, rather than all the time. Take the time, and you may find that you have discovered a wonderful bonding experience as well as the perfect gift!