
4 Halloween Ideas to Share With Your Grandmother

Halloween is less than a month away. Are you ready to have some ghoulishly good times with your Grandma? All Hallows Eve is not just for kids. Halloween and the elderly have gone together like witches and cats for a long time now.

If you are caring for a parent in your home, and have small children, Halloween can be a great night for making some lasting memories. Here are some of the ways that anyone can enjoy this spooky holiday with their grandmother:

1. Costume Contest

It might take some cajoling, but I bet you can get your grandmother to dress up too. This doesn't mean you have to go out, but if your grandmother is up for a stroll around the block then why not have some fun? Even if you decide to just stay home and pass out candy together, the most fun you will have will be dressing up.

2. Homemade Halloween Treats

Is your grandmother a great cook? There are tons of Halloween party treats you can make together. If your grandmother is not able to cook anymore, then there are still some fun ways she can help. maybe she can: 

  • Frost cupcakes
  • Put sprinkles or other embellishments on cookies
  • Arrange snack trays
  • Fold napkins or paper for the table decorations
  • Slice vegetables, cakes and other goodies for the party platters
Otherwise, you and and your grandmother can brew up lots of goodies in the kitchen together.

3. Have a Halloween Picnic Together

If the weather is mild enough, you can enjoy all those homemade Halloween treats outside.  Set up your picnic table or spread some blankets behind the privacy of some straw bales, and just enjoy some one-on-one time. 

Ask your grandmother if she knows any ghost stories, or can recall any creepy events from her life. Just about everyone has had some sort of eerie experience, or know someone who has.

4. Halloween Movie Marathon

If you and your grandmother both enjoy watching films, you make some snacks and set up a continuous showing of scary movies. Throw in some classics, such as the original Dracula, add in some campy humor with Disney's Hocus Pocus, and of of your favorites.

You might be surprised to learn that your grandparents loved horror movies when they were younger too. You don't even have to go with gory movies. You can choose silly "nature-based" horror movies like "Arachnophobia", "Sharknado", or "Tremors".

Do be respectful though. If your grandmother has a condition such as Alzheimer's or dementia, and might be frightened, choose something more light-hearted. Any movie marathon will do.What's important is enjoying the time together.

 Also, if you will have younger kids trick-or-treating, and your television is within view of the front door, save the really scary films for after all the candy has been handed out.

Halloween is Fun for Everyone!

Everyone can enjoy Halloween. Whether you go for an all out party, or a low-key movie night--sharing it with your elderly loved one can make the night even more fun.

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