
30 Things Caregivers Are Thankful For On a Holiday

There are so many issues that elder caregivers deal with: incontinence, dementia, wandering, hallucinations, memory loss, violent outbursts, medications, medical equipment, and so on.

All these things might seem inconsequential to those not dealing with them on a daily basis, but caregivers know that when you start adding a few of these together, it can make any day tough. It can make holidays almost impossible.

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and caregivers may be dreading the extra stress as they wonder;

  • Will mom/dad cooperate and take a shower?
  • Are all the foods appropriate?
  • Will so many people around cause agitation in my parent?
  • Will I be able to get mom's wheelchair into Cousin Margie's house?
  • All their heat sources are open flame...what should I do about Dad's oxygen?

I can't answer all those questions, but I can list a few things to be thankful for this year. Of course, having your loved one with you for the holidays is a cause for thanks in itself.

But lets not be mushy. Here are 30 things caregivers are thankful for during the holiday season.

1. 24 hour pharmacies

2. Xanax

3. Homes with no stairs

4. Unseasonably warm weather

5. Germ-x

6. Clothing with elastic instead of zippers or buttons

7. Clothes that don't show cranberry sauce stains

8. Lucid days for dementia sufferers

9. Not having to provide CPR or the Heimlich maneuver

10. Central heat

11. Downstairs bathrooms

12. Doorways big enough for wheelchairs

13. Febreze

14. People who bring side dishes

15. People who call and ask about dietary restrictions

16. Dry shampoo for the stubborn bather

17. Spillproof cups

18. Un-carpeted floors

19. People who don't ask someone with Alzheimer's "Do you remember...?"

20. Caffeine

21. Chocolate

22. Patience

23. Boxed dressing mix

24. Any food you don't have to cook yourself

25. Hugs

26. Unbreakable dishes

27. Disposable dishes

28. Getting out of the house for awhile

29. Laughter

30. Your own sanity

Whether you go out or stay home for Thanksgiving, have a safe, happy (and sane) holiday, Caregivers!

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