
Family Caregivers! November is YOUR Month!

It is officially National Family Caregiver Month. If you know a family caregiver, then this is the time to support them and celebrate their contribution to society.

Unlike most celebrations, this month doesn't need gifts or cards. It would actually be more beneficial to caregivers if you helped raise awareness.

Caregivers face many obstacles that other people might not think about. The world is not built to be convenient to the elderly. With more and more seniors remaining in the care of loved ones rather than in nursing homes, caregivers have to be wary of slick floors, inaccessible restrooms, bad parking areas, steep stairs, and other hazards.

One caregiver claims that she would love it if more stores and recreational areas offered seating so that the elderly could rest frequently.

If you are (or have been) a caregiver, if you know a caregiver, or if you have had loved ones who were in the care of others, help spread awareness!

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