
Diabetes Day--Why I Am Excited About Diabetes This Year

We Did The Impossible. 

Who gets excited about diabetes? Its a horrible epidemic! Well, today I am popping in with  a short post to explain just why I am so happy. Not about diabetes itself, but how we have fought this disease and whipped it into submission.

This is some inspiration for anyone who is battling diabetes...

Our Story

My husband is diabetic. Type 2. He is 60 years old.

What can I say? Our area doesn't have the best preventative medicine. It doesn't have the best educational resources after diagnosis, either. He was told that as long as didn't eat candy bars, he would be fine.

After a year or so, he was on three types of insulin.

When we got together, I decided to take control a little. Although it got a little better with a proper diet and exercise, it was still erratic.

Then he decided last year he wanted to go back to driving a truck. Well, he couldn't get his DOT card on insulin shots, and the doctor told him it would be IMPOSSIBLE to control his diabetes without the shots.

Still, the doctor let him try, and we found out that the insulin he was taking in his pen was the wrong kind for him anyhow. It was making his glucose levels fall and spike severely over the day.

On just the oral medications, with an even stricter diet, he was suddenly able to lose weight. His energy levels came back. His headaches went away, the leg pain eased up.

When the time came to take the big test, he passed with flying colors. He wasn't just good for a diabetic, he was just below the cut-off for diabetes. And his levels were stable throughout the day.

We never guessed that his insulin was wrong. We just thought he was "very bad". Every time we mentioned how hard we were trying, and how badly we were failing, the doctors would raise his dosage and tell him the usual:

"you must not be eating enough vegetables or exercising enough."

While that may be true for some, we were really trying hard.

This Means Hope for Diabetes!

Before we went through this, we thought this was a disease that couldn't be slowed down. Something that was eating him slowly to death. But it can be slowed down. It can be managed. Even if the doctors say it is impossible.

This year, I have set us a new goal. A new weight loss goal. Even better glucose levels. We are hoping we can minimize his insulin dependency even more by next Diabetes Day,  and make him feel great at the same time.

For those with diabetes, don't give up hope. Try, learn, listen, and keep up with all the newest studies. It could better. We could eventually stop this disease in its tracks!


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