February and Quality Time With the Elderly
Winter can be a dull time of the year, especially for the elderly who may be stuck inside most of the time. While remaining indoors through the cold months can be safer and warmer for your elderly loved one, it can lead to the blahs.
And no one likes the blahs.
Now that January is nearing its end, and everyone has had time to recover from all the winter holidays, it might be time for a little lighthearted fun. February is coming up, and it has several occasions to celebrate. Or just use them as a way to interact with an elderly loved one, do some activities, and make new traditions.
Here are just a few reasons to look forward to February, and how you can enjoy them with your elderly loved one.
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Black History Month
First of all, February is Black History Month, and there are many ways to observe, celebrate and learn more about Black culture, history, contributions and achievements.
Read here for the history and ideas on how to observe and celebrate all month. Your local community may have events such as museum exhibits, and your library can provide recommendations on great literature and films to share.
Pie Month!
February is also known as "Great American Pie Month". An excuse perhaps to make or buy a favorite pie for a welcome treat?
Of course it is. Just keep your loved one's dietary needs (if any) in mind, before pie hunting.
A way to make this more inclusive for a senior, even one with dementia, is to research and discuss recipes together. Look at popular or traditional pies from different states and regions, and make a few recipe cards to try. (Or decide on a pie from your local bakery.)
If you are going to bake a pie at home, your loved one can probably help with some of the preparation tasks, which can help them feel useful and involved.
And of course, everyone gets to help by taste testing the result.
National Bird Feeding Month
While feeding wild birds is entertaining year round, doing so in the winter months is especially important. When its so cold, and food is scarce in the wild, birds can use a helping hand a little charity. Preferably in the form of their favorite bird seed.
Bird watching is a common hobby for the elderly. It is both soothing and amusing for the seniors who love nature. Plus, for those who cannot keep pets, its a way to be close to animals and still enjoy their company.
So, take this time to make a big fuss over the birds. You might already have feeders in place, but it might help to engage your loved one if you make or buy a new one. Decorating the bird house can be a fun activity as well.
You might also try making birdseed ornaments to hang in different locations.
And when your feeders are full and the birds arrive, spend time watching the birds with your elderly loved one. Take photos or videos, and use bird watching encyclopedias and the internet to see if you can identify your visitors.
Feb 1
Spunky Old Broads Day and Month
I think the name is pretty self descriptive, but you can read more about the history here. Its also Spunky Old Broad Month, so you can draw this celebration out for a long time.
How to include a senior? This might be a good time to reminisce and story tell. They probably have at least one good story about a friend, relative, neighbor etc. who matched the description.
Perhaps they have a celebrity they admired with spunky qualities. Sometimes the best activity is just a fun conversation.
If everyone is feeling more adventurous, maybe this is a month to do something just a little bit wild, or just out-of-the-comfort-zone. Maybe a senior's friendly dance or exercise class, or a snazzy makeover day.
February 2nd
Ground Hog Day
Sure, we don't really take this one too seriously, but it is still fun isn't it? Take a moment on Feb 2nd to hear what the ground hog has to say.
Feb 2nd is also National Tater Tot Day, and I think everyone should appreciate this. This is another opportunity to get a senior into the kitchen and thinking creatively. Search recipes, try new things, and let them help as much as possible.
If you are caring for a senior in their own home, you might try surprising them with a tater tot casserole or other tater tot dish. What better way to celebrate Ground Hog Day than with...tater tots?
Feb 4th
Homemade Soup Day
Another great excuse to include a senior in the kitchen experience. It is definitely the perfect time of year for a pot of soup.
February 5th
Shower with a Friend Day?
Well maybe you should skip this one. Perhaps a rubber duck might be a good substitute.
But! It is also National Weatherman's Day
Not only is it a good time to celebrate the contributions that people in the weather service provide, this can be a great time to brush up on weather safety.
For many, severe storm season (and tornadoes) are just around the corner. Take this day to go over storm safety with a senior. If they live in your home, go over any drills or safety plans you use.
If they live in their own home, make sure they have storm supplies, such as flashlights with new batteries, blankets, water, and so forth, as well as emergency numbers and a safe place to shelter.
Feb 7th
Send a Card to A Friend Day
This can be very meaningful for your elderly loved one. Help them pick out cards, (or sit and make some homemade one's together), and fill them out.
Being able to send a card or a note to a friend, relative or other special person in their life can be fulfilling. They just might need a little help with it sometimes, especially if they have poor vision.
Feb 8th
Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast Day
This holiday should be more famous! If eating ice cream isn't possible, maybe an ice cream related craft, like the cute bookmarks below. Or just reading up on the history of ice cream.
Feb 11th
Make a Friend Day
While it might not be possible to take a senior out and help them make a new friend all in one day, it can be a nice excuse to leave the house for a short time.
A little fresh air and some socializing, even if it is at a coffee shop, can be be mood booster for a senior who has been feeling lonely. (Its good for for the caregiver too!)
There might be some activity in your community going on where people can mingle. Or maybe just browse through a store together. If that doesn't work, visit a pet store and talk to the animals for awhile.
Feb 13th
Get A Different Name Day
While the idea here is to pick a new name for yourself if you don't like the one you have, the paperwork for that might be a bit complicated. However it can be fun to sit and think up names.
It might be even be fun to choose a nickname or change an old one. Perhaps the senior you know and care for would like to be called something else for fun.
Feb 14th
Valentine's Day
Of course there are tons of ideas for celebrating this holiday if you are keen to try them. Everything from elaborate themed parties to simple craft projects to pink cupcakes. A quick peek on Google or Pinterest will lead you to artsy projects, party games, and recipes ideas.
If going all out isn't in your budget, or would be too overwhelming for your loved one, a simple gift basket filled with a few Valentine's goodies might be enough. Ideas can include
- Candy (if it is allowed in their diet plan) or another treat
- Small plushie
- Valentine themed fidget toy or stress ball
- Stickers or stamps
- A Valentine's card
Feb 17th
Random Acts of Kindness Day
This is a fun one. Help seniors make a list of acts of kindness, or help them plan one. Any act of kindness is great, even if it is as simple as dropping off a donation to the thrift store.
Just keep safety in mind, especially in winter weather conditions.
Feb 26th
Tell a Fairy Tale Day
Again, your imagination can be the limit. It can be as simple as telling stories, reading out loud from a book, or just sharing some family lore.
It could also be fun to watch a fairy tale themed movie, or create some art. (Adult coloring pages often have fairy tale themes)
And More...
That's not all the February days to observe. There's Margarita Day, Polar Bear Day, and even Thinking Day.
Of course you probably don't want to do something everyday, or go crazy and tire everyone out. But choosing a few little unique days can be fun, and they can give your loved one something to look forward to that isn't complex or overwhelming.
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